David Simple is the most-read work of Sarah Fielding, best known as the sister of novelist Henry Fielding. This attractive new edition by Sabor is the fourth in Kentucky's series of 18th-century women's novels.
Sabor restores the novel Sarah Fielding really wrote.
~East-Central Intelligencer
A welcome addition to eighteenth-century studies.... Readers of eighteenth-century fiction will be delighted that Sarah Fielding's edition has been restored in a volume that is accessible, responsibly edited, and handsomely produced.
~Eighteenth-Century Fiction
The revival of interest in Sarah Fielding's writings over the last decade should be quickened by the publication of this important edition.
~Letters in Canada
Sabor's introduction lays out the family tragedies and financial difficulties that perplexed Fielding's career and provides a detailed revisionist account of her impressive literary accomplishments.
~Publishers Weekly
This important edition reproduces for the first time since its original publication the first edition of 1744.
~Virginia Quarterly Review
Will undoubtedly spur even more work by scholars and students of the early novel.
~Year's Work in English Studies