An extensive and practical guide to attracting a variety of wildlife to the urban and suburban garden.
~American Gardener
Barnes has created a step-by-step guide to help city dwellers develop their own wildlife-friendly environment that will attract birds, butterflies, and other outdoor life to urban and suburban backyards.
~Better Homes and Gardens
Wonderfully thorough and covers issues ranging from planting to landscaping to coping with visits from skunks.
~Bird Watcher's Digest
For anyone who enjoys and wants to enhance their wildlife observations and who would like to do their part to foster conservation of wildlife in an urban setting.
~Bowling Green Daily News
Whether you live in an urban or rural setting, there should be a wealth of information to glean from Barnes' book.
~Elizabethtown (TN) Star
Answers most of the questions for the amateur gardener who wishes to make the transition from the tame to the intrigue of a wildlife sanctuary.
~Foreward Magazine
Gardening for the Birds is a Japanese Lantern, lighting the path toward understanding the requirements for backyard guests.
~ForeWord Magazine
Brings together much useful information for those interested in attracting wildlife to their suburban backyards.
~Gary Ritcheson
A practical guide to bringing butterflies and birds back to your neighborhood and yard.
~Kentucky Living
With people planning their spring gardens, Gardening for the Birds will certainly show them the way to open their backyards to the wonders of nature.
~Kentucky Monthly
Offers lots of Kentucky-specific and regional information about anything and everything that could help our fellow creatures feel at home in our yards. Native wildflowers to attract butterflies and hummingbirds, host plants of Kentucky butterflies, native trees, shrubs, grasses, and ferns—its all still there.
~Kentucky Native Plant Society
The book is packed with advise on landscaping with native wildflowers, gardening for butterflies, wooing wildlife with water, feeding birds and managing wildlife that become pests.
~Lexington Herald-Leader
The birds and butterflies of the Upper South are within reach to enrich even the smallest urban property through the excellent advice given in Gardening for the Birds.
~Library Booknotes
Shows how to design an urban wildlife habitat, using native plants, to provide food, water, shelter, and space animals and insects need.
~McCormick (SC) Messenger
Information not only on attracting birds but on creating an ecosystem suitable for butterflies, wildlife, and the energy-conserving, low-maintenance species of homeowner.
~SciTech Books News
Most books about gardening and birds are written by people in the North or in some other distant parts of the country. Now a brand-new Gardening for the Birds has been written by Thomas G. Barnes of Kentucky, about Kentucky plants and birds plus butterflies and other creatures.
~The Knoxville News-Sentinel
Next to gardening, bird-watching is the most popular hobby in the U.S. This book will enable the reader to engage in both.... Written out of love and knowledge, and the many colored illustrations make it an object of art as well.
~USA Today Magazine
A remarkable book illustrating how homeowners can create aesthetically pleasing, well-planned wildlife gardens.
~Washington Daily News
By applying his suggestions to your property, you will have a more biodiverse habitat and you will be a better steward of the land.
~Windstar Wildlife Institute