The case studies clearly highlight the subject being discussed and bring to life the application of that particular forensic science.
~Gideon Epstein
Extremely well written and easy to read.
~Journal of Forensic Identification
An excellent basic book for the criminologist.
~Lee A. Kilty
Nickell and Fischer, both nationally-recognized forensic scientists, have collaborated on step-by-step descriptions of crime-science investigations.
~Library Journal
In this must-read for anyone in the crime-solving field, the authors examine the amazing and complicated crime scene, taking the reader on an educational journey as they explain processes ranging from how to verify a bullet came from a specific gun to how teeth determine the age of a decayed body.
~Paintsville Herald
Nickell and Fischer provide a comprehensive primer of forensic investigation for the uninitiated.
~Publishers Weekly
Beautifully organized and ingeniously supplemented by real-life criminal case-histories at the end of each chapter, the book provides a detailed—yet simplified—review of the major methods and techniques of forensic science and criminalistics. Anyone and everyone interested in either real crime or crime-fiction or both, will want to read and regularly refer to this comprehensive and informative source by experts in the field.
~Robert A. Baker
This book is well-written and should be of considerable value to those training for a career in these areas.
~Science & Justice 1999
Delivers the goods for the educated layperson. Once getting into the book, readers will be hard-pressed to put it down.
~USA Today