Using the myriad stories from the men and women interviewed by Angene and Jack Wilson and others is, without much doubt, the best way to tell the Peace Corps's story. The stories and memories of five decades' worth of Peace Corps veterans show that the commercial was right: it was the toughest job they ever loved.
~Troy Reeves, University of Wisconsin—Madison Oral History Program
Angene and Jack Wilson have a lovely, crisp writing style that carries the narrative along, blending general information with individual stories. Voices from the Peace Corps describes an important piece of the American experience.
~Elizabeth Cobbs, author of All You Need is Love: The Peace Corps and the Spirit of the 1960s
Find a comfortable rocking chair... Angene and Jack Wilson have woven together a compelling and inspiring story of how Kentuckians were called to serve in the Peace Corps, and, in turn, how that experience changed their lives and contributed to Kentucky and the rest of the country. The Wilsons have provided a great and timely service to the entire Peace Corps community in collecting and sharing these compelling oral histories.
~Kevin Quigley, President, The National Peace Corps Association
The poignant photograph on the cover of this book in many ways epitomizes the daily life of Peace Corps Volunteers serving overseas. To the almost 200,000 returned volunteers living in the United States and throughout the world, their time in the Peace Corps was a singular experience of a lifetime. It's a mind changing adventure that results in how they look at the world and carries with them open and positive attitudes in all the present and future work they may do. I hope you will enjoy reading these interviews with returned Kentucky volunteers who share their unique but common experiences of living for two years in another culture. Angie Wilson and Jack Wilson are to be congratulated for their passion and hard work in collecting these personal stories.
~James Archambeault, Peace Corps Volunteer, Philippines 1965-1967
You will be rewarded when you read it, and you will have in your personal library a book unlike any other written on the subject of the peace corps, and one destined to be cited source for all coming Peace Corps books.
Allows volunteers to elaborate on the reasons they joined and lets them discuss their training, adjustments to living overseas, jobs, the friends they made, and their readjustment upon returning home.
~Lexington Herald-Leader
'Why did you join the Peace Corps?'...'How are you using your Peace Corps experience now?'...Those [are] interesting stories [that] we rarely have time to explore. Well, now we do.
~Friends of Fiji Newsletter
Peace Corps veterans themselves, the authors compile an enlightening archive of stories from Kentuckians who have been abroad with the organization. The entries are organized thematically, mixing in the experiences of persons stationed across the globe — a particularly fascinating editorial choice which emphasizes the many common experiences that Kentuckians have had while reaching out to the world.
~Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
An instructive and enjoyable read. Angene and Jack Wilson have provided historians with a valuable service.
~Ohio Valley History