The Cold War has been indifferently plumbed by scholars, especially regarding the Eastern bloc. This book, with its wealth of new and fascinating information on the subject, is especially welcome.
~Spencer C. Tucker, former John Biggs Chair of Military History at the Virginia Military Institute
Contains a host of fascinating observations about a period for which the historical records are only just emerging. Although many books have analyzed the diplomatic and national security aspects of the early Cold War, few have gone down to the next level to examine how national strategies translated into specific military plans and actions.
~Jonathan M. House, author of A Military History of the Cold War, 1944-1962
Essential reading for any serving officer and should be required reading for senior defense officials. Blueprints, if read, would go a long way toward correcting the apparent memory loss of the purpose of armies and illusions of whether or not the Cold War was complicated or complex.
~Army Magazine
"Readers of these conference offerings are given a sweeping vista of the war plans developed by the two alliances fort the arena of Central Europe during the first two decades of the Cold War." — Tal Tovy, H-War
"Blueprints for Battle delves into the military planning used by each side and how it was shaped and reshaped as the world was transfored from the end of World War II to the late 1960s." — Military History
"Jan Hoffenaar and Dieter Kruger's anthology Blueprints for Battle: Planning for War in Central Europe, 1948-1968 is essential reading for any serving officer and should be required reading for senior officials." — Col. Gregory Fontenot, U.S. Army retired