1. Introduction: Competing in the Global Arena: Sport and Foreign Relations since 1945, by Andrew L. Johns
2. "A Game of Political Ice Hockey": NATO Restrictions on East German Sport Travel in the Aftermath of the Berlin Wall, by Heather L. Dichter
3. Steadfast Friendship and Brotherly Help: The Distinctive Soviet–East German Sport Relationship within the Socialist Bloc, by Evelyn Mertin
4. Welcoming the "Third World": Soviet Sport Diplomacy, Developing Nations, and the Olympic Games, by Jenifer Parks
5. Forging Africa-Caribbean Solidarity within the Commonwealth? Sport and Diplomacy during the Anti-apartheid Campaign, by Aviston D. Downes
6. Peronism, International Sport, and Diplomacy, by Cesar R. Torres
7. A More Flexible Domination: Franco-African Sport Diplomacy during Decolonization, 1945–1966, by Pascal Charitas
8. The Cold War Games of a Colonial Latin American Nation: San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1966, by Antonio Sotomayor
9. "Our Way of Life against Theirs": Ice Hockey and the Cold War, by John Soares
10. "Fuzz Kids" and "Musclemen": The US-Soviet Basketball Rivalry, 1958–1975, by Kevin B. Witherspoon
11. The White House Games: The Carter Administration's Efforts to Establish an Alternative to the Olympics, by Nicholas E. Sarantakes
12. Reclaiming the Slopes: Sport and Tourism in Postwar Austria, by Wanda Ellen Wakefield
13. Politics First, Competition Second: Sport and China's Foreign Diplomacy in the 1960s and 1970s, by Fan Hong and Lu Zhouxiang
14. Reds, Revolutionaries, and Racists: Surfing, Travel, and Diplomacy in the Reagan Era, by Scott Laderman
15. Conclusion: Fields of Dreams and Diplomacy, by Thomas W. Zeiler