A Tale of Two Republics: Plato, Palpatine, and Politics
Aristotle's Politics and the Virtues of Springfield: Community, Education, and Friendship in The Simpsons
Keep Your Friends Close But Your Enemies Closer: Machiavelli and Michael Corleone
Social Contract: Rebellion and Dissent Aboard Serenity
Dwight Schrute and Servile Ambition: Rousseau, Tacitus, and the Politics of The Office
Who Watches the Watchmen?: Kant, Mill, and Political Morality in the Shadow of Manhattan
Avatar, Marx, and the Alienation of Labor
Tolkien's Tales and Political Philosophy in Liberal Democracy
Menschen and Übermenschen: Nietzschean Narratives of Human and Superhuman in Walt Disney/Pixar's The Incredibles
From John Wayne to John McClane: The Hollywood Action Hero and the Critique of the Liberal State
The Politics of Television's Complicated Relationship with Women: The More it Changes, The More it Stays The Same
Muggles, Magic, and Misfits: Michel Foucault at Harry Potter's Hogwarts
Just Give Them the Internet: Social Media and the Promise of Liberal Democracy