Eliza McGraw, Katherine C. Mooney
The Herridge Style
Robert Herridge, John Sorensen
Appalachian Epidemics
Christopher M. White, Kevin T. Barksdale, Steven Stoll
John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917-1919
John T. Greenwood
The Magic Hours
John Bleasdale
Ernest Lehman
Jon Krampner
My Place in the Sun
George Stevens, Jr.
Kingfisher Blues
Erik Reece
The Evolution of the Gospelettes
Tammy Oberhausen
Drowned Town
Jayne Moore Waldrop
Black Mestiza
Yael Valencia Aldana
Angela Woodward
Balloon Ace
Charles D. Dusch, Jr.
Mary Perdue, Jon White
Chad T. Hanson
An Introduction to Black Studies
Eric R. Jackson
Being Here
Manini Nayar
Jessica K. Whitehead
Tar Hollow Trans
Stacy Jane Grover
The Warner Brothers
Chris Yogerst, Michael Uslan