Haint Country
Matthew R. Sparks, Olivia Sizemore, Olivia Sizemore, Jordan Lovejoy
Half-Life of a Secret
Emily Strasser
Lessons from the Foothills
Gretchen Dykstra
The Original Louisville Slugger
Tim Newby
My Old Kentucky Home
Emily Bingham
Kentucky, Y'all
Blair Thomas Hess, Cameron M. Ludwick
I Could Name God in Twelve Ways
Karen Salyer McElmurray
The Whiskey Sour
Jeanette Hurt
Helen Morgan
Christopher S. Connelly
Troublesome Rising
Melissa Helton
Blood, Mud, and Oil Paint
J. Furman Daniel III
The Reggie Warford Story
Scott Brown, Jack Givens
A Simple Justice
Melanie Beals Goan
The Gospel of Freedom
Alicestyne Turley
Chris Aluka Berry
Drowned Town
Jayne Moore Waldrop
The Evolution of the Gospelettes
Tammy Oberhausen
Kingfisher Blues
Erik Reece
My Place in the Sun
George Stevens, Jr.
Ernest Lehman
Jon Krampner