"Moyen succeeds well, positioning McVey as a significant historical figure not only within the University of Kentucky but also beyond his immediate institution and state as a leader among Southern university presidents who was highly regarded among academic leaders nationwide."—John Thelin, author of A History of American Higher Education
"In a judicious assessment of Frank L. McVey, a major figure in the higher education of the U.S. South, Eric A. Moyen has produced one of the best biographies of a modern American university president. Through lucid, accessible prose combined with meticulous research, Moyen succeeds in showing how McVey constructed the modern University of Kentucky."—William Link, author of William Friday: Power, Purpose, and American Higher Education
"An inspiring and informing work, meticulously crafted to reveal persistent and 'stand to duty' presidential leadership in the face of complex political, financial, governance, ethical and personal adversity. Woven in rich detail, candid in assessment, and inviting in style and flow, this is the story of an individual and an institution that will encourage contemporary civic leaders, college presidents, faculty and staff—who will find here sobering historic perspective on today's issues and a reminder that those building for tomorrow stand on the shoulders of those who navigated turbulent waters in the past in framing the heritage of the American university."—Grady Bogue, Professor, University of Tennessee and Chancellor Emeritus, Louisiana State University in Shreveport
"This is a story of an off and on love affair between a president and the university he was called on to lead. While state politics and institutional jealousies got in the way of a successful result too often, Frank McVey did more than enough for his accomplishments to be recognized and appreciated by UK faculty, students, and other supporters. Additionally, all who care about public higher education should understand, appreciate, and learn from McVey and his work, his defeats and his victories."—Wayne Urban, author of American Education: A History
"Explores the presidency of Mr. McVey from 1917 to 1940, and chonicles some of the most dynamic times in the university's history."—Chattanoogan
"Explores not only McVey's UK presidency from 1909 to 1940, but also the challenges that faced a state institution during an era of dramatic social change."—Kentucky Alumni
"Through careful mining of oral-history interviews and other documents relevant to McVey's term at UK, Moyen convincingly argues that McVey's similar and very dramatic achievements at UK brought about the expansion of the campus, colleges and academic programs, the construction of new facilities... and he also redefined faculty work to support the research function and service to the commonwealth."—Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
"Moyen's biography... humanizes and contextualizes the subject in ways no single institutional history could.... Moyen's lucid account of these years touches on scores of topics unique to Kentucky, from the rising preeminence of Adolph Rupp to the hard fought battles over the teaching of evolution."—Ohio Valley History
"A major contribution to the history of the higher educational experience in Kentucky during the early 1900s."—Kentucky Ancestors
"Moyen depicts McVey as a micromanager, a gradualist in terms of providing education for African Americans, and the driving force in establishing the University of Kentucky as a modern institution." —Journal of Southern History